Friday, January 17, 2014

Why bother, you ask?

"The world languishes for want of an ever scarce necessity, let us be extravagantly generous with the abundance we possess . . . the answer is simple; let us but speak kind words to one another."

Why bother with a blog? After all they die so easily. You start off believing that by writing down some of the thoughts whirling in your mind it will somehow clear your thinking, you solicit feedback, debate, argument, comment to test those thoughts.

But there is silence, because no one is reading them . . . and you come to realize that yes, you are alone in the world.

But there is a responsibility we bear, as unique entities in this existence to pass along to an undefined posterity some understanding of life as we knew it. In so doing we come to understand ourselves in our differences, and the debt of appreciation we owe to those who have done so for us.

We write for the lonely to come.

There may be light all around but inside there is an overwhelming sadness!