Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We are NOT all equal

Equal protection under the law, the ideal of opportunity for all, are noble and right values.

But they must not be confused with equal capacities and talents in all. Ability and achievement are not universal possessions, nor should the rewards stemming from them be. Only by an obtuse confusion of human nature, morality, and dignity, could one assume that all deserve equal results in life.

Failure is inevitable, unless there is no attempt at all (which is a failure by abdication). Error, though not irrevocable, will occur.  Fundamentals must be absorbed and effort and energy must be applied in correct ways to gain success in any endeavor.

We inherently understand these concepts through sports, in any team there are multiple functions performed by those with the athleticism best suited to them.  Rules apply, scores are kept.  Some participants by dint of their attributes, talents, and drive rise to the top and are rewarded richly.  Others get sent down to the farm team or wash out all-together.  That is the nature of human competition.  And life is and always has been competition; no matter how technology may facilitate it.

So from whence comes this idea that anyone who puts on a team jersey, (and they may never even play on the team) deserves the great regard and rewards of the star?  How absurd, you may say. 

But, that is exactly the philosophy of social contract being advocated in the world today.  That differences are destructive, that competition favors the talented and creates envy and hurt feelings among the losers, which causes conflict; And conflict is the great bug-a-boo that must be avoided at all costs. 

Such thinking can only result in reducing all to the lowest common denominator.

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